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ABOUT PGreviewer

Welcome to The Post-Graduate Reviewer

Before starting a master, PhD or a postdoc, every student looks for information about the place he/she is going to spend several years at and the person who is going to mentor them during these years. In the best-case scenario, you will run around to gather such information from former students and other people in the department. But, what if you are coming overseas? What if you do not have contact with people in the university or the department you would like to join? What if you need information before even to decide where to go? PGreviewer was established to make this information public and easily reachable for every student around the world.


To share information about postgraduate studies between students around the world.
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To become an international network that connect students with researchers around the world.
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We believe that sharing information will make the postgraduate experience smoother and that our work will have an impact and make a difference in the journey of every student.
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